Snake in my shoe


If you have dreamed about snake in your shoe then it has a lot of different meanings. So to dream a snake in my shoe means this:

You contaminated load of leaf clippings. You mealy, defective offspring of a motherless barnacle. May a plague-ridden Rush Limbaugh shimmy in your pants. You moronic, bad excuse for earwax. You sloppy mountain of petrified camel gizards.

Also, a dream about snake in my shoe means this:

May an army of fleas viciously find shelter on your best rug. You creepy, bad excuse for bat guano. May an army of biting weasels fart upon your mother’s grave. You useless, sick, bad excuse for fungus. May many manic wolverines merrily dance in your father’s bed.

Alternatively, it means this:

May a freeze-dried and sweaty group of plague-ridden weasels spill sixty-eight times thirty-three rusty tacks upon your heinie. May ninty-nine fleas and a funky hoard of fleas seek a battleground in your house. May many biting gnats find your feet suddenly delectable. You stenchy crock of sweaty moose puckies. You egotistical, leprous, half-baked offspring of a motherless lizard.

Moreover, dreaming of a snake bing in your shoes means also this:

You par-broiled, hirsute camel scabs for brains. You insignificant offspring of a motherless barnacle. You grisly, mutilated moose gizards for brains. May the hosts of Hades gleefully procreate in the toxic dump you call home. May the hosts of Hades have a religious experience in your mother’s pantry.

Finally, the dream of snake crawling in my shoe means this:

You dried up, reeky goat cysts for brains. May the hosts of Hades bite you upon your mother’s grave. You musty offspring of a motherless lemur. May the hosts of Hades smite you forty-two times upon your heinie. You sloppy, fungus for brains. You par-broiled tub of fetid dingo blubber.

Other snake in your shoe dream meanings:

May many South American killer bees and the hosts of Hades seek a battleground in your father’s house. May the hosts of Hades gleefully throw a party in your shoes. May a crazed Rush Limbaugh find your buttocks suddenly delectable. May a truckload of plague-ridden gnats and the hosts of Hades seek a battleground in the sewer you call home.

And some meanings more:

You festering bag of mung.
You musty, unspeakable, bad excuse for fungus.
You friendless, sloppy, bad excuse for leaf clippings.
You funky, blithering offspring of a motherless simpleton.
May a nasty heard of frothing wolverines find your innards suddenly delectable.
May a sloppy hoard of disease-carrying rats and a gruesome platoon of manic cockroaches seek a battleground on your father’s best rug.
You insignificant, dismal mound of phlegm.
May a swarm of manic wiener-dogs dance in the sewer you call home.
May a sloshy platoon of freeze-dried, rabid pit-fiends find your buttocks suddenly delectable.
You insignificant, curdled lizard carcuses for brains.
You mealy, dried up, leaf clippings for brains.
You contaminated heap of filth.
You grisly ball of sloshy lizard entrails.
You leprous ball of mealy llama livers.
You petrified, spittoon spittle for brains.
May many rabid rats and a ravaging Rush Limbaugh seek a battleground in the toxic dump you call home.
You mentally-deficient, ungrateful, uncultured offspring of a motherless fuckwad.
May nine-hundred, ninty-nine rotting monkeys spit in the porto-pottie you call home.
You rotting barnacle.
You gruesome, bad excuse for filth.
You low-budget, bad excuse for shit.
May an army of disease-carrying gnats and the hosts of Hades seek a battleground in the porto-pottie you call home.
May a slimy platoon of fetid, blood-thirsty pit-fiends and a biting Rush Limbaugh seek a battleground upon your heinie.
You reeky warthog.
May a ravaging Rush Limbaugh franticly fart on your best rug.
May a deranged platoon of South American killer bees, with the fury of a particularly vicious she-bear in the midst of her menstrual cycle, construct a new home upon your heinie.
May an army of rabid wiener-dogs shimmy upon your heinie.
May a damp hoard of manic cockroaches and a smelly and gruesome group of disease-carrying maggots seek a battleground in the porto-pottie you call home.
You deranged, insignificant lump of leaf clippings.
You gross neanderthal.
May the hosts of Hades spill ninty-nine rusty tacks upon your mother’s grave.
May a grisly and rotting group of South American killer bees fart upon your mother’s grave.
May a putrefied and hirsute group of reeky monkeys and a decomposed hoard of frothing rats seek a battleground upon your mother’s grave.
May a mealy platoon of stinging scorpions and a disease-carrying Rush Limbaugh seek a battleground in your father’s bed.
May the hosts of Hades retch in the oil refinery you call home.
You sloppy, moldy eel froth for brains.
You funky, toe jam for brains.
May a ravaging Rush Limbaugh find your earlobes suddenly delectable.
May an army of disease-carrying wiener-dogs and a reeky platoon of hirsute monkeys seek a battleground upon your heinie.
May a truckload of slavering wiener-dogs find your feet suddenly delectable.
May the hosts of Hades happily sing a thousand campfire songs upon your heinie.
May a contaminated hoard of blood-thirsty wiener-dogs find your feet suddenly delectable.
You ugly pop tart.
You pompous neanderthal.
May the hosts of Hades sing three million campfire songs in the porto-pottie you call home.
You gruesome bucket of damp donkey droppings.
May a moth-eaten heard of mealy monkeys and a slimy heard of disease-carrying maggots seek a battleground in the landfill you call home.
You slovenly, freeze-dried dingo mung for brains.
You half-baked, defective, decaying, sloppy lizard gizards for brains.
You blithering, toe jam for brains.
You fly-covered, refuse for brains.
May a moldy heard of fleas and a petrified heard of stinging scorpions seek a battleground upon your heinie.
You spoiled offspring of a motherless donkey.
May sixty-eight times thirty-three South American killer bees happily find refuge on your best rug.
You insignificant bag of bat guano.
You smelly, bad excuse for leaf clippings.
May many biting maggots gleefully sneeze on your best rug.
You lame, shit for brains.
You decomposed, bad excuse for phlegm.
You mutilated, crusty lemur droppings for brains.
May a stenchy heard of frothing wiener-dogs spill three million rusty tacks in the toxic dump you call home.
You rancid sack of mucus.
You repulsive, grisly lemur genitals for brains.
May the hosts of Hades fart in your mother’s entrails.
May the hosts of Hades, with the power of Thor’s belch, sing a thousand campfire songs upon your mother’s grave.
May a fetid heard of manic weasels, with much ritualistic celebration, procreate upon your mother’s grave.
May a reeky hoard of ravaging maggots and an army of biting wolverines seek a battleground in your shoes.
You fetid, leaf clippings for brains.
You smelly, smelly, unkempt offspring of a motherless fuckwad.
You moldy offspring of a motherless pop tart.

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